
Living is judging - How relevance of evaluation affects evaluative priming effects


Living is judging - How relevance of evaluation affects evaluative priming effects


Schnepf, J., Mennekes, D.


The current structure of psychological research may enhance the tendency that priming effects are usually not published until the expected effects appear (Renkewitz, Fuchs & Fiedler 2011). At the same time task formulation can strongly affect the pattern of priming effects. Considering this possibility is able to explain certain unexpected results of prior experiments. In a first study we identified the triggered processes of two task formulations. In the (second) main study we systematically induced a relevance for evaluation and a generative mindset in the context of an intertwined priming experiment with 160 participants. The results show that the priming effect gets stronger if subjects processed intertwined tasks inducing a relevance of evaluation and a generative mindset.


Cognitive Psychology, Evaluatives Priming